Believe In Miracles

It’s a pretty incredible feeling to see a tiny little being growing inside of you. No matter how many children you have, the feeling is always the same. The love continues to grow. Your heart doesn’t run out of room, it gets bigger!

I am overflowing with love today. Yet, at the same time I am flooded with pain. These feelings will never go away and I must learn to accept them. No amount of joy in life can ever take this pain away, and with that comes deep anxiety that suffocates me.

I was not ready for the mixed emotions that come with pregnancy after a loss so profound. So many people are expressing their happiness for us, yet it’s necessary to understand that this miracle does not make anything easier. Grief is a complicated journey.

But I do feel blessed. This miracle is LOVE in its purest form, and I am grateful for this amazing gift. Bella says love heals all, but my heart will never fully heal and I accept that. I appreciate my scars because they represent my love for Bella!

…but I also believe in miracles.

  1. I need to stay focused. Stay present. #StayStrong❤️

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